97 Species

Genus Species Common Name
Agaricus albolutescens Mountain almond mushroom
amicosus Brown wood bleeder
arvensis Horse Mushroom
augustus The prince
bernardii The salt loving Agaricus
bisporus Common white caped store mushroom, have store-bought as well as cultures of indigenized Denver strains.
bitorquis The sidewalk mushroom
brunnescens Crimini and Portobello mushrooms, have store-bought as well as cultures of indigenized Denver strains.
campestris Meadow mushroom
silvaticus The Brown wood mushroom
silvicola The wood mushroom
subrufescens Royal Sun Agaricus
The Great Lakes button mushroom
Agrocybe aegerita The poplar Agrocybe or Pioppino
Amanita populiphila Cottonwood Amanita
Armillaria solidipes Honey mushroom
Auricularia auricula Wood ear, Cloud ear or Judas’ ear
Boletus barrowsii Barrow’s bolete
edulis Porcinicèpe, or king bolete
rubriceps Pine Bolete
Bovista plumbea Tumbling puffball
Calvatia cyathiformis Purple spored puffball
Calvatia booniana Giant Western puffball
Cantharellus cibarius Golden chanterelle
roseocanus chanterelle
clavariadelphus truncatus Sweet club
Climacocystis borealis Large conifer polypore
Clitocybe nuda Blewit
gibba The funnel cap
chlorophyllum rachodes Shaggy parasol mushroom
brunneum Shaggy grass parasol mushroom
Coprinus comatus Shaggy mane, lawyer’s wig, or inky cap
atramentarius Tippler’s bane, Alcohol inky cap
Coprinellus micaceus Mica cap
Flammulina Velutipes Enoki, velvet foot, golden needle,
or winter mushroom
populicola Aspen enoki
Fomes Fomentarius The tinder fungus


cajanderi Pepto-bizmal pink polypore
pinicola The red belted polypore
Ganoderma lucidum Reishi
applanatum Artists conk
Grifola frondosa Hen of the woods
hemipholiota Populnea Cottonwood Pholiota
Hericium erinaceus Bear’s head, monkey head, or pom-pom
ramosum Comb tooth mushroom
Hydnum repandum Hedgehog mushroom or sweet tooth
Hygrophorus subalpinus Sub-alpine waxy cap
Hypholoma subalteritium Brick cap
Hypsizygus tessulatus White and Brown Beech mushrooms
ulmarius Elm oyster
Lactarius deliciosus Delicious milky cap
Laetiporus Sulphureus Chicken of the woods, deciduous
conifericola Chicken of the woods, coniferous
Laricifomes officinalis Agerikon polypore
Leccinum fibrillosum Red capped scaber stalk
insigne Aspen/Orange scaber stalk
Lentinus edodes Shiitake, black forest mushroom
lepideus The train wrecker
Lepiota rhacodes Shaggy parasol mushroom
or drumstick mushroom
nuda Blewit
irina False Blewett
leucoagaricus naucina Mama on motorcycle, the off -White

parasol mushroom

Lycoperdon perlatum Gem studded puffball
pyriforme pear-shaped wood puffball
Marasmius oreades Fairy-ring mushroom
Morchella brunnea Colorado Black Morel
esculentoides Colorado Yellow Morel
tomentosa Burn-site black Morel
mutinus caninus Dog stingkhorn
mycenastrum corium Pasture puffball
neolentinus ponderosus The giant saw gill
Inonotus obliquus Chaga, clinker polypore
Phallus haderiani Stinkhorn
Pholiota nameko Nameko
squarrosa Shaggy Pholiota, garlic Pholiota
phyllotopsis nidulans The orange oyster
Pleurotus dryinus The veiled oyster
eryngii King oyster
ostreatus Easter/hardwood oyster mushroom
populinus Aspen licorice oyster
pulmonarius Western/poplar oyster mushroom
Pluteus cervinus Fawn mushroom
frondosa Hen of the woods
Polyozellus multiplex Clustered blue chanterelle
Polyporus umbellatus Umbrella polypore
Russula aeruginea Tacky green russula
xerampelina Shellfish-scented russula
Stropharia rugosoannulata Wine-cap stropharia
Suillus brevipes Short-stalked slippery cap
granulatus Dotted-stalk suillus
Trametes versicolor Turkey tail
Tricholoma flavovirens
Man on horseback
magnivelare Pine mushroom or American matsutake
populinum Sand mushroom
Volvariella bombycina Tree volvariella
speciosa Smooth volvariella, Rose-gilled grisette
xylaria polymorpha Dead man’s fingers