The second (and more important thing) was a microscopic real-time video that a friend of his, by the name of Patrick Hickey, had just sent to him. Mushrooms/mycelium definition; mycelium is like the roots of a plant and a mushroom is grown from the mycelium and represents the equivalent of fruit/seed to a plant. It was a time lapse view of the activity of the mycelium streaming nuclei through its hyphae. Mushrooms/mycelium are made of only one type of cell, hyphae. These are hair like strands that form all of the different types of structures that the mycelium makes. They are one cell wall thick and kick ass on just about everything else in their world.  Humans on the other hand, are made from thousands of different kinds of cells with 100s of cells in our skin between us and the environment but we still get worked over by microbes on a regular basis. What the electrograph showed was nuclei being streamed to the growing tips of the hyphae in the millions. In essence it was exploring and learning about the environment that it was in. Not only learning but apparently thinking and taking appropriate action to capitalize on what it learned. As I was watching the presentation in amazement one thing suddenly struck me like a clap of lightning. Not only was this organism streaming nuclei out to the tips but I noticed that some of the nuclei were streaming BACK into the organism. Now last I knew, mushrooms didn’t have a nervous system let alone a centralized brain to process information. Where was this information streaming back to and how does one process it without a brain??? What the heck was this all about??? We will get back to this topic.